Garnett Silk - Every Knee Shall Bow 7" (Rythem Track)
by Garnett Silk
$7.00 / Sold Out
Garnett Silk - Every Knee Shall Bow / Dub 7" (Rythem Track)
Over two years in the making, we present four masterpieces of digital reggae! Callo Collins' RYTHEM TRACK label was started in 1985, during the birth of the digital sound. And even as such early digital productions, the first batch of Rythem Track releases from that very year stand as some of the freshest and best productions of the entire 1980's digital era. The Rythem Track crew of 1985 was itself similarly fresh, a small group of talented young artists. There was deejay Little Bimbo, who would become the late great singer Garnett Silk, another future star named Tony Rebel, and a pair of terrific but historically under-recorded singers, Anthony Selassie and Tony Roach. Callo and Rythem Track continued producing quality dancehall music well into the 1990's, with more big tunes and big artists along the way. As evidence of Rythem Track's brilliance, here we present four of the best Rythem Track selections, three from 1985, and one from 1996. Garnett Silk's "Every Knee Shall Bow"...over ten years from his start, Garnett was back working right where he began, with Rythem Track. Originally released posthumously in 1996 on Callo's offshoot 2-Hyped label, this is one of Silk's best ever, a high-water mark for both him and the producer, a shining example of the indelible legacies of both.
"Every Knee Shall Bow"